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Solstice (Karisma)


17 February 2018

Date of Creation

Base Info

Gender: Female

4ft 3" (131cm)

30 kg (66 lbs)


Solstice is an unusually level headed individual for a member of her race, she is friendly most of the time but she is a little short tempered. She dislikes getting wet or dirty and tries to keep out of potentially messy, or soggy situations.

Solstice is her cover name, she doesn't like to let people know about her real name which is actually Karisma. Named after the legendary deity worshiped by her original tribe, responsible for giving the suns, the moons, and the planets. She got into serious issues with other members of her tribe, being a "blasphemous traitor" doesn't exactly go down well with any group of people, and she was eventually exiled from her tribe meaning she had to find her own way about things.

Design traits

Solstice is another home-brew race, known as a "eurathilika". They are normally known to be incredibly violent, and although solstice does have a smear of that in her, her temperament is much better than most.

The charm floating above her head was given to Solstice at birth by the Tribes elder shaman. They could sense she was gifted in some way, that her pure spirit was the right of all wrongs, and her valiance would carry the tribe to glory.
The charm was bound to Solstice spiritually, and later in life allowed her to summon the burning wrath of the sun, through fire.

The charm allows solstice to manipulate and bend fire to her will, though she does not use this ability very often, she finds it messes up her fur, singes it and thins it out along with darkening it.

Her feathered wings on her butt allow her to glide through the sky and control her altitude. Solstice also has 3 claws per paw and, when angered or rambled up, her eyes change from the hollow pupils she normally has to snake-like slits which make her more focused on the task at hand

Her tail provides good balance when she gets down on all 4's, but is not really used when standing up on her hind legs like she normally is. 

She has very large paws for her size, and physically is much stronger than she first appears. Some eurathilikas have been known to take down creatures about 3-4 times their size.

History and inspiration

You may see traits of Sylveon in Solstices design. The reason being, is because Solstice was spawned from a bipedal Sylveon chibi that wasnt really working out as anticipated. So I started a new canvas and re-drew the potentially new creature from the mess of the previous canvas. After changing a few details, Karisma is who resulted on the 17th February 2018, Happy accidents! 

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